Day-11- NG Tube Finally Removed – So Brave See Video Hayley woke up in brighter spirits today She felt much peppier between 6:30am and 8:30am. We did our usual walk but she was in noticeable pain. The nurse came in at 7am and asked if she’d like the NG tube out. She said YET AGAIN if Hayleys fluid output was excellent compared to the previous days and they felt it could come out. …Answer: YES! Hayley had a suppository today. Her bowels have not moved. NG Stomach Drain – Removed – (See Video) Hayley said she was going to pull her NG tube out herself. This is a tube that is approximately 2ft long (about ½”inch in diameter) running an estimated 8-9” inches out of her left nostril all the way down her throat and into her “gut” where it coils and sucks out all the fluids the body produces thus shutting down the bowels. Another 12-18” inches would be the length to the stomach. Hayley gave it an honest try and then politely asked the nurse to take over. The nurse was sweet and told her to brace herself and in one steady motion the tube was pulled. It came along with some fluids from the stomach but all in all Hayley did not react. (See Video) It all happened so quickly that she didn’t have a chance to react. She said it was a weird feeling in her throat and chest, like a pulling or tugging feeling, nothing more nothing less. It was out! The only downside now would be if Hayley’s bowels didn’t wake up the tube would have to go back in. When they put it back you are not asleep there is no assistance just you and a nurse and a tube…Yikes! In fact they do it bedside so Hayley was NOT having any part of that.